Achieve your career goals without losing yourself
Regardless of how good you are at finance, engineering, law, mathematics, computer science, or sales, in the end your “labels” will count much more in your career than your purely technical expertise.
It’s not just about what you’re capable of, it’s about what others perceive.
- She is very good but she doesn’t know how to lead.
- When he doesn’t have the answer, he trembles like jelly.
- Works well, but only when alone.
- She doesn’t know how to get organised, let alone others.
- He doesn’t know how to delegate and wants to control everything.
- If she knew how to present her ideas, she would be unstoppable.
- Or any other you can imagine.
Don’t punish yourself: make your decision and work on what you would like to improve on.
With experience and years your soft skills will undoubtedly improve, but if you want to speed up and make your effort more effective, I can help you.
It is easy for you to find workshops, videos, courses, talks, or books on these topics. Some will raise your dopamine, and self-esteem, but over time they will be of little use unless you change your habits and your way of working.
In the same way that your university education helped you to learn many subjects and adopt the methodology that now serves you when faced with any technical challenge, something similar happens with soft skills.
My method. The proposal that I put to you, to:
- Improve your soft skills.
- Diagnose your needs yourself, and address what is most beneficial and satisfying to work with.
- Going forward, make the most of the courses and workshops that you attend more effectively.
- With the key principle of taking care of yourself, so that you do not break inside whilst pursuing your goal.
This method is the result of my work as a team leader in the multinationals in which I have worked and refined in recent years whilst mentoring executives and entrepreneurs.
Thanks to the feedback of many students I can assure you that, even if not for everyone, for the vast majority it has signified a takeoff to being the efficient and recognised professional they wanted to become.
I’m not prone to quote reviews on my website, but here is one that defines what my method pursues better than I could have done:
It is like when you know how to cook and you don’t need to know all the recipes. There comes a time when you are able to make your variations to adapt your dishes to a vegetarian, a celiac, or to make your own creations. The thing that makes you get to that point is knowing when to ask the right questions, investigating by yourself and then finding your answers.
Applying 4 simple steps:
Self-inquire: To discover your strengths and weaknesses, and identify which ones you are keen to, or should, improve. That way you can decide on what steps to follow, I can guide you but you must find out and prioritise them by yourself.
Contextualise: Looking for anecdotes and specific situations, like the ones I use to show you the way and to make it entertaining. Finding your own concrete examples will help you contextualise whether they present a problem, or a behavior you want to improve, and work with.
Move forward: By allowing yourself to fail, because you don’t have to come first or be the best. The important thing is the path and having a system that allows you to measure your progress in your personal journey. In the same way I did when I started writing my book because I never said that I was going to finish it, I simply said that I was writing a book.
Analyse: In order to define the next three or four steps necessary for you to reach your goal. It is an obsession, that you will see I apply to myself, that I always recommend.
And for all this, won’t look for answers from others, learn with me to find the key questions that will guide you on your own path.
Imagine your career as an exam.
Where two groups of students are presented with a different choice:
- The first group is told to take a look online and select by themselves what they consider appropriate for the syllabus they need to prepare.
- The second group, receive some good notes and exercises for the exam that others have already passed.
What group do you want to be in?
Who am I?
Soft Skills
A first and simple taster