Author: serranodavey

  • What is self-confidence to you?

    What is self-confidence to you?

    Confidence is indispensable to make progress in our careers and in life. It is the pillar that supports us to have the courage to do new things and step out of our comfort zone.   Having confidence and showing that we have it helps make other people have confidence in us too. That way they will…

  • Make a gift with words every day

    Making a mark on other people is easier than we think. It doesn’t always require a lot of time or effort. We only need to pay attention and sometimes think outside the box. If you think about it you’ll be able to remember small gestures that others have had with you that had a lot…

  • Conflict management

    This is a post with a video

  • Do you manage conflict proactively?

    I encourage you to tackle them in four steps. During a business lunch attended by my superiors, some colleagues and some important investors, I was the only woman. My line manager made a comment that really hurt my feelings. I couldn’t help but be affected during the rest of the lunch, my emotional state, level…

  • Do you have a demanding judge within you?

    Do you have a demanding judge within you?

    Watch out, your inner judge is most severe with yourself. When we interact with the world we are constantly analysing our surroundings, situations, and people. Part of this reconnaissance includes forming opinions or judgements about absolutely everything we encounter. It is as if we spent our lives labelling things as good or bad; correct or…

  • Empowerment

    Yesterday I climbed La Concha alone for the first time. A beautiful mountain I am lucky to have nearby. Sometimes we are the ones putting obstacles in our way by having limiting beliefs. We tell ourselves that we cannot do certain things, or worse still, that we can only do them with the help of…