Interaction with others is absolutely inevitable in the vast majority of situations. If you try to think of roles that are wholly isolated, it’s practically impossible. Even a shepherd has to go to the market sometime.
This capability, in addition to being in demand by companies, is the key to enjoying daily experiences and achieving better results. It involves being assertive in our interactions with others while allowing them to play their part. It can entail a variety of things: making our contribution, listening to others, being self-critical, and pursuing common goals for the benefit of the group.
Teamwork has a practical component from an execution point of view. For example, the definition of roles and responsibilities or task allocation, that’s the easy part! Putting this skill into practice also requires the right attitude and behaviors. The culture in our organization and the people around us have an effect too. We can’t be a great team player if others don’t do their part, however our behavior can make a massive difference and tilt the balance in favor of teamwork.
In real life, I have witnessed how this is one of the toughest challenges in organizations. Conflicts of interest are common between people or departments and achieving this objective well is not always easy. Sometimes, to be a team player you need to take some personal losses and that hurts. Also, when a team member does not pull their weight, frictions or resentments arise easily.
When we are asked if we are good team players, the automatic answer may be yes, or the opposite, depending on our personal beliefs. However, if we want to be humble, and objective, we can reflect to assess how developed we are at this skill by carrying out this exercise.
I hope you learn something with it.
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